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MYDEL Dance & Drama Group

In terms of community sensitisation MYDEL is working with a drama based approach, using drama as a facilitation tool.

The MYDEL Dance and Drama Group was founded in 2009 and comprises of 25 members, most of whom themselves have previously been beneficiaries of MYDEL’s programs. It is facilitated by 3 trainers and reaches out to several vulnerable communities in and around Kampala on a regular basis.
Using creative methods in order to increase community awareness enables to address topics as HIV/AIDS, hygiene and health matters in general, human rights and child protection issues.

A decrease of new HIV infections and waterborne diseases as well as an improvement of hygienic conditions within the last years shows, that the approach has essentially contributed to a risen awareness of the targeted communities.
Using drama as a methodology enables to address delicate, tabooed issues in a realistic and creative way without embarrassing the target group or violating cultural norms.

In 2016 MYDEL`s drama outreach team carried out 12 drama outreach drama shows in the community around Kampala and Wakiso District. They have also participated in 16 events organised by other Net work members in Kampala and Wakiso District and participated in 2 drama competitions in Kampala.

For more information on recent activities check out our facebook page.