Join our Computer and Tailoring Classes

MYDEL Vocational Training Center informs the public that we are registering new students for the academic year 2015-2016 in:

Course ModuleFees (SHS)
Computer Studies30,000/ month
Tailoring Fashion and Design10,000/ month
Functional Adult Literacy 30,000/ month
English for Adults30,000/ month
Craft making, Tie and Dye, Paper Bids       Free
Project Proposal Writing and PlanningFree
Reproductive Health ProgramsFree
Weekly German Classes

Saturday and Sunday Programs are also available!


We are located in Lubaga Division towards Lubaga Church. You turn on your left behind social centre near the Boda-Boda stage.

If you are interested please contact us:

0751 886093 / 0701 886093 / 0782 886093 / 0781 882396